Thursday, September 3, 2009

Where's America going?

So; I watched a four and a half minute video of all sorts of celebrities--the Hollywood types who, due to their grand and cool famousness, know more than us unfamousy types--making pledges: "I pledge harder, be a voice, to meet my neighbors, to sell my obnoxious car and buy a hybrid." Most were like these; just general feel good platitudes, but, they got to the end and I heard: "I pledge to be of service to Barrak Obama," and "I pledge to be a servant to our President." Then the screen slowly pulled back to show a multi-screen of all the celebrities which then pulled back and morphed in to a multi colored iconic image of Obama superimposed over the American flag. The old Soviet Union, Cuba, Iran and North Korea came to mind quite quickly.

I was not a great fan of George Bush (massive government growth. spending in to the stratosphere, "no child left behind," and a war in Iraq that was ill conceived, poorly planned and the wrong place to be at the time) but many other people thought him to be a great President who dealt with terrorism and protected our country. What I didn't see from most of these people was any kind of mindless worship. No man is worthy of that. Yet today we see a president who enjoys the unquestioning adulation of tens of millions, including the majority of the nation's media--you can even go the the NBC site and buy Obama action figures.

While disparaging the exception--Fox news--for actually questioning the policies of this administration, MSNBC has an evening line up of Obama sycophants. First there is Ed Schultz, a typical mean spirited liberal (any who oppose the president are whacko, crazy or right wing zealots). Then you can watch Chris Mathews, a former Democtrat political player who wrangled his own talk show by playing "hardball." after Chris is the great (and he'll tell you this himself) Keith Olberman; without a doubt one of the angriest, most hate-filled ultra liberals on any network--and he has a very creepy obsession with Sarah Palin (kind of like the school yard bully who likes a girl but can't admit it so he bullies her instead). Finally, there is Rachel Maddow; a sarcastic, insulting liberal who puts down any discent from the liberal playbook with marginalizing insults and putdowns. She was one of the first to call the "Tea Party" protestors the "tea baggers," referencing a strange sexual practice. And they attack Fox for being too political? Sheesh!

We have a president who managed to take over a huge portion of the financial structure of this nation, a huge percentage of the auto industry, a monstrously huge share of the energy industry (cap and trade) and now demands a government take over of 16 percent of our GDP in the form of health care reform. He calls for a "civilan security force as large, as powerful, as well trained and as well funded as our military (uh, just who's the enemy big guy) and set up a watch-dog website for people to turn in anyone who may say anything bad about the president and his plans for us all (shades of Wilson and his secret spy network of civilians turning in civilians for speaking out against government policies). With all of this happening at a rapid pace, where are the media who are supposed to be watching a reporting this take over of our society? Panting after their new hero and savior, Obama! Where else.

When I say God help us, I really mean GOD, HELP US!

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