Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Not much to say for my first post, Just a wish for a very merry Christmas and a good start to the new year. Right now I'm feeling pretty merry: with my wife, Shanna, our son, Alex (who just had spinal surgery) and our daughter, Christine, all here for the Holidays (actually, Christine is the only one who had to make a trip to get home). To top it off, Shanna and I attended a concert and heard our friend Jaime Thietten singing some beautiful Christmas songs. The woman even coaxed me on to the the stage to sing a duet of "let it snow" with her. I grumbled a bit but it was actually a lot of fun.

This last week has helped me realize that even in the tough times we're having right now, I can be grateful and at peace with all god has blessed me with.

Merry Christmas.