Thursday, January 15, 2009


So, I have a few days of vacation from work and was actually able to sleep in 'til about 5:30 this morning. I thought I would watch some morning news shows to see what's happening in the world. I was amazed. Still days away from his inauguration and taking office, Obama is already being portrayed as our nation's greatest president. He's being held up as some sort of mythic hero sent here to save us from the evil that...well...Obama pronounces as evil and that we must be saved from. Admiration--adulation even--is understandable, but this absolute worship is over the top.

During the primaries we saw Obama touted as the new messiah, compared to J.F.K. (sorry, but Kennedy's "greatness" was a myth building triumph of propaganda) and lauded as the new Martin Luther King, Jr. (King truly was a great man and, other than skin color, there's no comparison between the two). Just look today at the cover of Ms. Magazine and see how Obama is viewed: as a political "superman," here on earth to protect us all.

What are we doing? Barrack Obama is just a man who campaigned and was elected to be our president for the next four years. He doesn't deserve hate but he isn't above criticism. We'll all just have to wait and see what kind of leader he will turn out to be. So far, I'm not impressed( but then, it takes a lot to impress me) but he really hasn't had the chance to prove himself. We'll see.

1 comment:

  1. Kennedy was an epic failure as a president. Why does no one realize this?
