I've listened to his grand and glorious speeches (which don't come close to matching his actions), studied his nominees for his cabinet--the cabinet that would be the most ethical in history and wouldn't have any lobbyists--that ended up full of tax cheats and lobbyists and watched the news in wonder (and with just a bit of disgust) as he toured the world apologizing for America being America and I think I have our President figured out. He isn't concerned with bipartisanship, compromise or with upholding the "traditional American values" he constantly references. Nope: what he wants is what progressives have wanted for over a century: to lift humanity out of chaos and give it order and purpose--you know, make us all totally and completely dependent upon the nanny state. And for this Utopian bliss all we need do is trade our individualism for a life of acting, speaking and thinking as directed by our benevolent leaders while we worship at the feet of an all-knowing priesthood of government experts.
Control! This, throughout history, is what kings, queens, despots, tyrants, czars and dictators have lusted for. They gain power, they grow power, and then, believing that power and authority to be unassailable, they use that power to "make the world right" by forcing their version of happiness (read--obedience) on their people. Even our democratically elected presidents aren't immune from these desires. And it's both parties. The only difference being in degree and swiftness. Progressives (liberals) have always been more radical and aggressive in their approach--with the media supporting them--but, of late, the new conservatives have been catching up. As far back as Woodrow Wilson--inarguably the first fascist world leader--they've forsaken their role as leader in favor of focusing on remaking American society to fit an ideological dream.
And what of those who dare to voice opposition? In other cultures, their might be midnight raids, torture and even death but in America we are much more civilized in our approach. Our leaders use fear, and the tactics of personal destruction to silence and marginalize the "enemy."
From Wilson's secret civilian spy network to Bush's Patriot Act, our government, along with a complicit media to aid it, can--and will--do what it wants to intimidate its own people. So, should I be careful in what I say? Through my website for my photography business I communicate with people as far away as England. Am I on a CIA watch-list? Through this blog I voice my political views. Am I on an FBI watch-list? Though I'm not--bad health and bad grades in high school--my father is an Army veteran--a 21 year Army vet (Vietnam twice--Saigon during the Tet offensive--2 bronze stars). Is he on a Homeland Security watch-list as a possible domestic terrorist? Today, if you don't tow the politically correct line, you can be in real trouble.
I'm a student of history and know full well the heritage of this great nation, and with all its triumphs and failures. As an army brat, and later as a truck driver, I've been all around America and met people of every race, color and creed, and think I'm a better person for it. I like to think the only real prejudice I have is against those who prove themselves to be an ass: no matter what they look like or what they believe. I love this country. The tears well up when I hear the National Anthem or see the flag blowing in the breeze. I respect and admire those who have worn--and do wear--the uniform of our armed forces. I understand--and appreciate--the sacrifices made by so many over the centuries to build this nation. We all should. So why are we giving it all over to bureaucrats and so-called experts? What are we allowing to happen?
Yep, America, Happy "Independence" day!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
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